Band levels
- Starting understanding of dangers of golf clubs and golf balls.
- Whistle tests to stand still and stop what they are doing when the whistle is blown.
- Random whistle blows during lessons.
- Positioning in line while hitting balls, and not stepping out of line.
- How many people can play together on a golf course?
- What to shout if a golf ball is heading towards someone?
- What to do if someone shouts “Four “ on a golf course?
- Positioning of hands for Hold or Grip.
- Both hands close together with no gaps between hands.
- How wide should your feet be apart. ( shoulder width )
- Swing always starts with club head behind the ball.
- Clubface aimed at the target.
Teaching methods are established with single word to mean each position for clarity to the child!
Green Band
- Safety rules to be recited as before with white level.
- Continuation of random whistle and “four” tests.
- Introduction of where to stand when someone is playing their shot.
- Knowledge of parts of the golf course. Tee-box, Fairway, Rough, Green and Bunker.
- Order of play on golf course e.g Furthest away from the hole hits next!
- Name of club to be used on the green i.e Putter.
- Name 6 things you are not permitted to do on a green. (List of 12 things taught to the childrenthrough the classes.)
- Posture moving into distance away from the ball.
- Take-away by turning the shoulder under their chin.
- Weight transfer with a balanced finish.
- Balanced finish has to be held for a count of 3. To pass either left or right foot has to be held in an upright position with toe on the ground. (3 attempts are permitted!)
Blue band
- Safety rules to be recited as before in white and green levels.
- Random whistle and “ Four “ tests.
- When a ball lands on a green a hole or indentation is left. What is the name of this? Pitchmark!
- What is the tool called to repair this hole called? Pitchfork!
- Children are shown pitchforks and asked to show how to repair the mark.
- What is a “divot” and how to replace the “divot”
- What is a penalty drop and what is the correct method of taking this drop.
- What is Ball-Position?
- What Ball-Position for each club and shot?
- Introduction to Chip shot, Pitch-shot and Bunker shot. The difference of each shot with stance and flight.
- Introduction to putting. Stance,Aim and Stroke.
- Pitch-Shot
- Land 3 out 5 shots with a 10yrd carry in a target of 10 yrds deep
- Putting Long and short putts
- 2 out of 5 putts from 6 feet
- 3 out of 5 putts from 3 feet
(All tests are only carried out once per session!)
Orange Band
- Safety rules as recited before with white, green and blue levels.
- Random whistle and “ Four “ tests.
- What is a par 3, 4 or 5.
- What is an Eagle, Birdie, Par, Bogey and Double Bogey.
- Defination of “Slow Play “ e.g Losing a hole in space from the group in front and answers as to how to avoid this problem.
- What is a water hazard and how to take a drop from the hazard.
- Respect for others on the golf course. Awareness of others on the Golf course.
- Putting technique. Stance, Allignment, Aim and Stroke.
- Allignment and parallel lines with feet, hips and shoulders.
- Introduction of pre-shot routine. All set up parts should be checked before swing starts.
- Significance of a practice swing.
- Putting- 3 out of 5 putts from 8 feet & 4 out of 5 from 4 feet
- Pitching- carry ball 10 yards to land within a 5×5 yard square area
- Long Putts- Putt 2 out of 5 balls into a hoop from 15 feet.
Each individual test is carried out once per child per session!
Gold Band
- Safety rules recited as before with white, green, blue and orange bands.
- Random whistle and “Four “ tests carried out throughout the classes.
- Introduction to scorecards.
- What is a handicap?
- Explanation of stroke index and how a handicap is used.
- Importance of Honesty and correct scorecard marking.
- Signing of a scorecard.
- What to do with a lost ball, What is a provisional ball?
- How to let the group behind through and when.
- Review on all etiquette rules on protection of the golf course.
- Formation of final pre shot routine.
- Distance control of putting and importance of practice.
- Complete test on all set up and swing learnt through the band system. eg. Aim, Grip, Stance, Allignment, Ball-postion, Posture, and Swing
- Distance Putting-3 out of 5 from 15 feet into a hoop.
- Pitching- carry 10 yards and land 3 out of 5 into a target of 5×3 yards